Project ADHD 24:7
ADHD doesn't take vacations, long weekends, or even lunch breaks
The ADHD Life is 24:7!

Mental health problems and neurodiversity goes on 24:7
Every brain is different! The individual brain should be the baseline for medical decisions and self-care. Information and support need to be based on the best collective knowledge and science there is. For females this means that the hormonal status needs to be factored into every aspect of life.
24:7 is my attempt to bring together as many different aspects of mental health as possible, regardless of you being neurodivergent or not.
TWO (2): The Human

You, like every single one of us, and regardless of our underlying (dis)abilities or psychosocial status have a need of:
A TRIBE - A social context where someone knows us, where we can express what we think and feel, without being judged.
A PURPOSE - A sense of being part of something greater than ourselves, where what we do has a meaning, and where we contribute to our community.
FOUR (4): The Brain

Our brains are constantly processing and assimilating impressions from our surroundings and our bodies - and we all have our own brain map consisting of strengths and weaknesses in:
OVERVIEW - planning, organizing, structuring, and prioritizing the information we are bombarded with.
REGULATE our emotions, energy, activity levels, sleep or wakefulness, and our appetite.
FILTER - sorting and discarding irrelevant information and stimuli from our surroundings and our bodies.
SHIFT focus - starting up, changing, stopping, or interrupting activities, trying something new when what we're doing no longer works or stop negative ruminating thoughts from poisoning our minds.
SEVEN (7): Life

Even though most people know that it’s important to take care of both brain and body, some of us find it unreasonably hard to establish and maintain healthy routines. Struggling with mental health problems or ADHD, it is extra important to turn the disadvantages into advantages with the help of:
DIET - difficulties regulating hunger and satiety as well as establishing regular and healthy routines for eating, insatiable sweet cravings, forgetting to eat or eat too much or too quickly, or constantly having to struggle to stop eating.
EXERCISE - difficulties in establishing healthy and balanced routines or getting started, setting unrealistic goals, getting bored or injured due to compulsive training.
SLEEP - difficulties in going to bed, unwinding at night, or getting out of bed in the mornings, restless sleep or using sleep as an escape or defense mechanism.
STRESS- constant internal stress, difficulties relaxing or not getting enough recovery even during leisure time or feeling haunted or stressed even though nothing is actually urgent.
EMOTIONS - difficulties in maintaining and caring for significant relationships in our lives., dejection sensitivity dysphoria, low self-esteem, loneliness, misunderstandings or social exhaustion.
ADDICTIONS - difficulties in quitting smoking, drinking too much alcohol, taking drugs, gambling, abusing sex, or spending far too much time in front of our screens, games, or social medias.
STRUCTURE – economic problems, difficulties remembering to pay bills on time, getting records of non-payment, impulsive shopping, and irresponsible spending. Health problems due to difficulties remembering to take your medication or go to your medical appointments.
Connect the Dots!

When you observe how your 24:7 profile is affected by your hormonal status, medications, or other factors in your life you can figure out how different aspects of life are interconnected and influence one another.
Knowledge is Power!
When we exercise self-awareness and self-compassion (giving yourself the same kindness and care that you give your friends), everyone benefits. Through effective and targeted selfcare we can stay responsible for our physical and mental health. This in turn will positively affect our relationships at home and at work and hopefully make us less dependent of the health care system.
Get started!
The 24:7-model is not a magic bullet or a quick fix. And ultimately you are the one doing the hard work. But getting to know yourself and your unique brain is truly interesting, rewarding, and empowering!

Empowerment & evidence-based efforts for female ADHD!